lundi 6 avril 2015

MYSQL order by a column from another table row count

Vote count:


I have 2 table : code and code_like

code table

id | code_name
1 | pagination
2 | function
3 | script

colde_like table

id | code_id(id of code table)
1 | 3
2 | 1
3 | 3
4 | 2
5 | 1
6 | 3

I want to sort code table by row count of code_like table

Example :

I want result like
(1) script (1st because 3 times in code_like talbe)
(2) pagination (2nd because 2 times in code_like talbe)
(3) function (3rd because 1 time in code_like talbe)

asked 1 min ago

MYSQL order by a column from another table row count

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