samedi 30 août 2014

Android Preference value behaving strangely

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I'm using a preference screen in a non-standard way, to set values for a class called Reminder. When I open the EditReminder activity with an existing reminder, it pulls in the appropriate reminder from an intent, and then initializes the preference screen like so:

SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity());
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), reminder.getName(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


When I first open the app and attempt to edit an existing reminder, this works flawlessly. However, from then on, the summaries will be correctly set to the correct values, and if I save immediately the correct values get saved, so the code appears to be working. Except that if I tap a preference, the pre-filled value is for the previous reminder.

So if I open Reminder1 and tap name, it prefills the edittext dialog with "Reminder1"

Then if I open Reminder2 and tap name, it prefills the edittext dialog with "Reminder1"

Then if I open Reminder3 and tap name, it prefills the edittext dialog with "Reminder2"

The toast is there for value testing, since my logcat lags by about 8 minutes, but that's another question. The toast displays the correct value. Also, as I mentioned, the summaries are set to the correct value, and if I save without making any changes, it saves the correct values. I'm baffled.

asked 1 min ago

Android Preference value behaving strangely

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