mardi 30 décembre 2014

Rails, Devise, Sign up = write name in other Database

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I use Rails 4 and Devise. I set it up that the user needs to register and sign in with a username instead of a email. Now, as soon as a User signs up I want to write a name in another db which is called Room. So I got the users_controller with the following:

def create
@user =

redirect_to @user, notice: 'User was successfully created.'
render action: 'new'

Basically what I want now is that the username which the user enters will be used to create a Room, I want that to happen in there but don't know really how I should realize that:

@room =

??? should be the username of the User registration process. How do I integrate something like that in the Devise registration process?

Any help is appreciated thanks!

asked 1 min ago

Rails, Devise, Sign up = write name in other Database

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