samedi 28 février 2015

Custom PS1: usual PS1 for all directories excluding single directory with subdirectories

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Consider fixed absolute path to some directory with arbitrary subdirectories:


and arbitrary other directory that is not subdirectory of foregoing directory: /other/path

I want see the following in the terminal:

user@host: .../directory$
user@host: .../directory/first_subdirectory
user@host: .../directory/first_subdirectory/second_subdirectory
user@host: /other/path$

where the last line is a typical case but other lines are instead of

user@host: /full/path/to/fixed/directory$
user@host: /full/path/to/fixed/directory/first_subdirectory
user@host: /full/path/to/fixed/directory/first_subdirectory/second_subdirectory

How to implement it?

P.S. Paths can contain whitespaces.

asked 1 min ago

Custom PS1: usual PS1 for all directories excluding single directory with subdirectories

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