samedi 28 février 2015

Return 0 when regex match is found (PHP)

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I am hoping to return 0 when 2011-2016 is found in the string. For the life of me I cannot figure out a regex that will return 0 when a match is found and 1 when there is no match. Yes I could easily negate the entire statement but I was hoping to find a solution so that my code could stay tidy. Slightly OCD? yes, hope you can help, here's the PHP code. Be nice I am still learning. The code which I am hoping to change is in function passCheck variable $patternArray under the last element of the array. That is the pattern I have currently. I am hoping to return 0 when 2011-2016 is found in the string. I have looked into the looking ahead stuff and maybe its just late but I cant wrap my head around it (may not be the right approach).

<?php function digitsStr($pass)
if(preg_match("/\d/", $splt[$i])==1)
array_push($nums, $splt[$i]);
$nums=array_merge($nums, $splt);
return $str;

<?php function passCheck($string)
$msgArray=array("Must be 8-16 characters long ",
"Cannot contain a white space ",
"Does not contain at least 2 digits ",
"Must contain at least 1 uppercase ",
"Must contain at least 1 lowercase ",
"Must contain one special charcter",
"Cannot contain years 2011-2016");
if(preg_match($patternArray[$i], $string)==0)
echo $msgArray[$i];


asked 28 secs ago

Return 0 when regex match is found (PHP)

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