vendredi 27 février 2015

Write a regular expression to capture a substring from html

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I have to find a particular pattern from html text using regular expression

For example:

my string is

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><p align="justify"><u>Counsel appeared</u></p><p align="justify"><a name="COUNSEL" id="COUNSEL"></a>K. P. Garg CA<b>for the Appellant</b>.: A. K. Monga, Sr. DR <b>for theRespondent</b></p><p align="justify"><b><u><a name="JUDGE" id="JUDGE"></a>R. P.TOLANI, JM.</u></b></p><p align="justify">testing</p>..........and so on

and I want to remove a <p align="justify"><u>Counsel appeared</u></p><p align="justify"><a name="COUNSEL" id="COUNSEL"></a>K. P. Garg CA<b>for the Appellant</b>.: A. K. Monga, Sr. DR <b>for theRespondent</b></p> this portion from html text. The text enclosed in the the html tags is dynamic.

For this I have written following regular expression

gsub(/<p align="justify"><u>counsel appeared<\/u><\/p><p align="justify"><a name="counsel" id="counsel"><\/a>.*<b>.*<\/b><\/p>/i, '')

but its removing the whole text from ``counsel appeared</u></p> till end.

So how I remove a particular portion from the above html string? Can anyone help me in modifying my regular expression ?

asked 2 mins ago

Write a regular expression to capture a substring from html

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