mercredi 5 octobre 2016

Are the strings in Algolia's highlightResult guaranteed html-safe?

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I'm trying using Algolia instantSearch's highlightResult feature on a React web application. When the results displayed like <em>Re</em>sult, I realized that I would have to mark it as functional HTML using React's Dangerously Set innerHTML to get the tags to work like tags and not be escaped. I can't find a place where Algolia describes their policy for escaping characters in the index and results. I'd prefer not to have to use client-side sanitation to ensure that the only tags in the results are <em>, but I can't afford the possibility of a stored XSS attack. Is the highlightResult string returned by an Algolia search safe to use as HTML without sanitizing first?

asked 20 secs ago

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Are the strings in Algolia's highlightResult guaranteed html-safe?

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