mercredi 5 octobre 2016

SQL - Only return when no rows hold a value

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I am looking for a way to return an ID only if NO rows hold a certain value

For example:

ID | Date

1 | 01/01/2001

1 | 02/02/2002

1 | 03/03/2003

If I want SQL to return the ID only if no dates are equal to 02/02/2002, how would I script that? I have tried and failed with the below:

select ID

from (example)

where date != 02/02/2002

The problem is that this still returns the ID - 1, as the first and last row do not equal 02/02/2002. What I am aiming for is no returned results because at least one row held the matching date.

I would need the script to completely skip the ID when there is a matching date in any row.

For clarity the below should return the ID when using the same 'select' as above because no dates are matching:

ID | Date

2 | 03/03/2003

2 | 04/04/2004

2 | 05/05/2005

asked 52 secs ago

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SQL - Only return when no rows hold a value

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