mercredi 5 octobre 2016

Jquery Tabs is throwing error or is not working

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I am trying to change the default tab to the active tab after I save the page so the client doesn't get mad.

I am using this code:

<cfif isDefined('url.activePage')>
        var #toScript(url.activePage,'activeTab')#;
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var index = $('.tabs a[href="#'+activeTab+'"]').parent().index();
        $(".tabs").tabs("option", "active", index);

It is giving me this error:

Uncaught error: cannot call methods on tabs prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'option'

I edit my code to this:


It doesn't throw an error anymore, but it's not loading my active tab.

What am I doing wrong?

asked 2 mins ago

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Jquery Tabs is throwing error or is not working

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