lundi 30 mars 2015

how to create timer min:sec format that uses a variable as the finishing time and uses the current time as the start time?

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I need to create timer. when server time and my database video broadcasting time match then start timer. how to do? please help me

$date = date("m/d/Y h:i A");
$dats = explode(" ",$date);

$time = $dats[1].':'.$dats[2];
$video = $this->db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM category_video WHERE broadcast_date='".$dats[0]."' AND broadcast_starttime>='".$time."'");
$str_time = $video[0]['total_duration'];
$time_seconds = $video[0]['total_sec'];

asked 1 min ago

how to create timer min:sec format that uses a variable as the finishing time and uses the current time as the start time?

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