lundi 30 mars 2015

Use android "headless"

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I have an unrooted nexus 5 (Big mistake I should off root it), due to some unfortunate circumstances my phone screen ripped off from the phone leaving the phone functional but "headless".

I want to scrape off data and move off things from my phone. I do have backups on but the last backup was taken half a month ago since when I have only been travelling with 2g data on :-/

The problem : No Screen

The solution I tried,

I have an AirDroid account (and using that am able to perform basic phone stuff -- make calls, read reply smses), With screen mirror there is a possiblity that I can use the phone normally remotely and move my data and be happy... The dead-end : AirMirror requires Root :-/

I tried to root the phone purely via adb shell but the step will require flashing a tempered image, which will destroy all the data on the phone.

The other solution is if i can turn on wifi via adb shell, I can copy most of its contents i need via airdroid (It won't be feasible enough on mobile data)

Any suggestions ?

asked 1 min ago



Use android "headless"

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