lundi 30 mars 2015

knitr syntax highlighting: numbers and logical values are not highlighted

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This is a minimal example for Rwn taken from Yihui Xie website. All I did was to add an expression involving logical values and to delete some of the text to make the example a bit shorter.

breaklinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 1},backref=false,colorlinks=false]
pdfstartview={XYZ null null 1}}

<<setup, include=FALSE, cache=FALSE>>=
# set global chunk options
opts_chunk$set(fig.path='figure/minimal-', fig.align='center','hold')
\title{A Minimal Demo of knitr}
\author{Yihui Xie}
You can test if \textbf{knitr} works with this minimal demo. OK, let's
get started with some boring random numbers:


The weird thing is that when I knit/compile this minimal example (even when I leave the original example unaltered) the R code highlighting I in my pdf is different to the highlighting scheme of the pdf output that can be found on Yihui Xie website here. To be precise: in my pdf neither numbers nor logical values nor function arguments are highlighted. However, R functions, characters and commands (after the #) are properly highlighted.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue, or even better: does anyone know how to fix this?

Greetings, M.

asked 32 secs ago

knitr syntax highlighting: numbers and logical values are not highlighted

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