mardi 7 avril 2015

Websharper, Sitelets and Forms

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I've been trying to create a form using Websharper to collect user input. So far I've identified three actions for my site:

type MyAction =
| [<CompiledName "">] Index
| [<Method "POST">] GetUser of username : string
| Stats of username: string

Using Sitelet.Infer I've managed to implement basic UI, but I have no idea how to refer to the content of my input box (usernameInput):

Sitelet.Infer <| function
| Index ->
Content.PageContent <| fun ctx ->
let usernameInput= Input [Text ""]
{ Page.Default with
Title = Some "Welcome!"
Body =
Div [
usernameInput-< [Name "username" ]
Input [Value "Request"] -< [Type "submit" ]

] -< [ Attr.Action (ctx.Link (* GetUser usernameInput.Content *) ); Method "POST" ]
| GetUser username ->
Content.Redirect <| Stats username
| Stats username ->
Content.PageContent <| fun ctx ->
{ Page.Default with
Body = [Text ("Stats for " + username)] }

I noticed usernameInput doesn't have any field like "Value" or so and I guess either it needs casting or I'm doing something wrong.

I would prefer not to use JavaScript in my code (Is it possible to mix Html.Server and Html.Client Elements in a Sitelet at all ?).

asked 1 min ago

Websharper, Sitelets and Forms

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