lundi 31 mars 2014

CakePHP Unit testing controller returning undefined variable

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I am new to the Unit Testing portion of CakePHP. There is no better time to learn than now.

I have ready through all of the documentation and numerous tutorials on the web. I have run up against a snag during the completion of some of my more basic unit tests.

My Controller test looks like this:

class TestsControllerTest extends ControllerTestCase {

public $fixtures = array('app.test');

public function testIndex() {

$result = $this->testAction('tests/index');

The output of my test is:

Undefined variable: tests
Test case: testsControllerTest(testIndex)

The only viable solution to the error I am receiving would be that maybe the test controller needs authentication before it can actually run the testAction() ?

This is a very simple sample from the CakePHP Documentation guide, yet I receive and undefined variable error. Any help is greatly appreciated.

asked 1 min ago

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