dimanche 30 mars 2014

Quicksort Infinite Loop Issue in C++

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I have extensively tested the swap and partition function for the following code and they appear to be correct; however, when I try to execute quicksort it goes into an infinite loop. I'm assuming the issue happens from my returned value in partition, but I am not entirely sure what it is.

void swap_G(int *begin, int *end)
int temp = *begin;
*begin = *end;
*end = temp;

int* partition(int* begin, int* end)
if (begin >= end) {
return begin;

int pivot = *end;
int* temp_Begin = begin, *temp_End = end;

while (temp_Begin < temp_End)
while (*temp_Begin < pivot && temp_Begin < temp_End)
while (*temp_End > pivot && temp_End > temp_Begin)
swap_G(temp_Begin, temp_End);
swap_G(end, temp_Begin);
return temp_Begin;

void quicksort_G(int* begin, int* end)
if (begin >= end)
int* mid = partition(begin, end);
quicksort_G(begin, --mid);
quicksort_G(mid + 1, end);

asked 27 secs ago

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