lundi 31 mars 2014

The scanner will not take in the input so it cant process it

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This all looks good to me. The class runs but when I type something into the scanner nothing happens. its supposed to have the input be registered and ran through another class where then i get the response and try to print it.

import; import java.util.Scanner;

public class Eliza {

* Main Eliza program that processes user input & responds
public static void main(String[] args) {
String line = ""; // variable to hold user input
String response = ""; // variable to hold eliza's response
ElizaResponder responder = new ElizaResponder();

// 1. Print welcome -- TODO add your name instead----DONE
System.out.println("Welcome to Christian Rebelo's Eliza");

// Print Eliza's initial greeting to start the conversation
System.out.println("ELIZA> " + responder.getGreeting());

// 2. Create scanner object (TODO)------DONE
Scanner s = new Scanner(;

// Continuously run question-response pattern until
// user indicates they're finished by entering:
// bye, goodbye, done, exit, or quit
while (responder.isNotFinished()) {
// 3. Use scanner to get next line of user input (TODO)----DONE
line = s.nextLine();
// 4. Get Eliza's response (TODO)----DONE
response = responder.getResponse(line);

// 5. Display (print) Eliza's response to user (TODO)----DONE

// Print Eliza's farewell----DONE
System.out.println("ELIZA> " + responder.getFarewell());



asked 42 secs ago

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