dimanche 30 mars 2014

Have Haskell expand certain thunks at compile time?

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Is there a way to have Haskell expand certain thunks at run time. For example, say I have

--Purposely inefficient code for demonstration
fib 0=0
fib 1=1
fib n=fib n=fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
goldRatio=fib 100 / fib 101

How could I have it evaluate goldRatio at compile time. Like for example, with

{-# EVALUATE goldRatio #-}

It would only need to be to weak head form, since Control.Deepseq.force could handle the rest. I hear template haskell can do this, but I do not know it well.

Note: I am using GHC at the moment.

asked 1 min ago

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