dimanche 30 mars 2014

Different Window Minimize Behavior With Different Shells

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I have a kiosk-style application where the user/operator can select applciations using special keys.

I have a management application that monitors the keys (via another API) and attempts to minimize and maximize other application windows as required.

For any given application, the pseudocode looks like:

foreach(var process in NotCurrentProcess())
IntPtr hWnd = process.MainWindowHandle;
ShowWindowAsync(hWnd, SW_FORCEMINIMIZE);
ShowWindowAsync(myProcess.MainWindowHandle, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);

This works fine for testing.

For deployment my application becomes the shell (HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon).

Now when I minimize an application, there's no taskbar for it to go to and it floats above the top window.

Floating minimized windows

Can anyone help with a root cause/fix for this?

asked 1 min ago

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