dimanche 30 mars 2014

How to find correct offset to adjust sprite to the position of box2D body after rotation

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I am trying to implement phsyics with the as3 box2d port. I currently have a b2body for each of some certain sprites in my game and I am able to update the sprite's positions correctly from the positions of the bodies. This is shown in the picture below (debugDraw shows the positions of the b2bodies overlaid on their corresponding spirtes. The green rectangles are the walls and floor)

enter image description here

However, I also want to have the sprite's rotations reflect the rotations of the b2bodies. But, after I rotate the sprites, the offset I use to center them correctly with the b2body positions is no longer accurate.

enter image description here

My code for updating the sprites positions is as follows:

private function Update(update_event:TimerEvent):void
//step physics simulation forward

//update all objects in world
for each (var obj:HouseItemPhysicsObject in physicsObjects)
//update object's position from gravity if it is not being dragged
/*adjust rotation of sprite along with body -> yourMC.rotation = (yourMCbody.GetAngle() * 180 / Math.PI) % 360; */
obj.object.rotation = (obj.pBody.GetAngle() * 180/Math.PI) % 360;

if(obj.object.rotation >=5)
// set object's x position but adjust for offset between the cooridinate systems
obj.x = (obj.pBody.GetPosition().x* scaleFactor)-(obj.object.width/2);
//keep in horizontal bounds of screen
if(obj.x > GeneralConstants.GAME_WIDTH)
obj.x =GeneralConstants.GAME_WIDTH;
else if(obj.x < 0)
obj.x = 0;

// set object's x position but adjust for offset between the cooridinate systems in Flash and box2d
obj.y = (obj.pBody.GetPosition().y * scaleFactor)-(obj.object.height/2);

//keep in vertical bounds of the screen
if(obj.y > GeneralConstants.GAME_HEIGHT)
obj.y =GeneralConstants.GAME_HEIGHT;
else if(obj.x < 0)
obj.x = 0;

/*Draw shapes to see for debug*/
//trace("OBJECT's X is :" + obj.x + " Y is :" +obj.y);
trace("Object's rotation is:" + obj.object.rotation);


//move debug draw to front of display list
m_sprite.parent.setChildIndex(m_sprite, m_sprite.parent.numChildren - 5);

How can I find the correct X and Y offset between the coordinate systems (Flash and Box2d) after rotating the sprite according to the b2Body? Thanks for the help.

asked 47 secs ago

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