samedi 31 mai 2014

Do you have to read books?

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I've been reading books for programming in C and C++ over the course of two years, but I've always stopped because everything I read makes sense for a while, but then as I get more in-depth with the book(s), I loose the ability to understand what is being said because everything is written very complex and not easy to understand. Right now I'm reading "Programming in C by Kochan" which indeed is a good book, but I don't feel I achieve a full understanding of the language by reading it.

Today, I looked up on the internet to find out what people had to say about this problem and I inquired that most programmers doesn't read books, they just program. That stroke my mind, I couldn't believe that they just programmed to learn. I was wondering if it is absolutely true that you have to read a book? Personally I find watching lectures or courses on programming a lot easier, but will it work the same way? I'm wondering if any of you SO users have had the same problem, were you don't feel like you achieve anything by reading a book or that you don't understand it completely and give up? Is watching videos a good way to learn? When I watch programming videos it feels like I'm being tutored like I would be in class.

Give me some opinions, I've been so crazy about learning to program, I've been going on and off for 3 years but I've never held on to it because it's simply confusing at times.

Regards, Oliver

asked 1 min ago

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