samedi 31 mai 2014

How to mock results of Enumerable.Any() extension using moq

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I'm using mongo driver, and trying to fake results of any to test whether Insert or Update was called based on results.

Here's piece of code I think relevant:

_context = _collection.AsQueryable();
if (_context.Any(s => s.Id == id))

after that I'm calling either _collection.Update() or _collection.Insert().

Here's what I tried so far with the unit test:

var collectionMock = new Mock<MongoCollection<Storage>>();
var queriableMock = new Mock<IQueryable<Storage>>();
queriableMock.Setup(q => Enumerable.Any(q)).Returns(() => false);

collectionMock.Setup(c => c.AsQueryable()).Returns(() => queriableMock.Object);
collectionMock.Setup(c => c.Save(It.IsAny<Storage>()));

I'm getting exception

"Expression references a method that does not belong to the mocked object: q => q.Any()"

asked 33 secs ago

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