samedi 31 mai 2014

RGtk2 - opening graphics files fails

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I am working through the JSS article 'RGtk2: A graphical user interface for R' and I am trying to read in a graphics file using approximately the script from the article:

image<-gdkPixbuf(filename= imagefile("D:/My pictures/Business images/ja_logo.gif"))[[1]]
window$set(icon=image, title="Hello world 1.0" )

However, desipte trying out a variety of graphics files in different locations I invariably receive the following:

> image<-gdkPixbuf(filename= imagefile("D:/My pictures/Business images/Call centre.jpg")) [[1]]
Warning message:
In gdkPixbufNewFromFile(filename, .errwarn) :
Failed to open file '': Invalid argument

I have tried using files in the working directory and those with complete paths, but am getting nowhere. Am I missing something embarrassingly obvious or is there a problem with the package?

asked 8 secs ago

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