samedi 5 juillet 2014

how can I put data which I select from db, put in Textbox of form?

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This is my .py code:

import web

import MySQLdb

urls = ('/', 'query')

tmpl = web.template.render('templates/')

class query:

form = web.form.Form(
web.form.Textbox('title', web.form.notnull,
description="I need to:"),


def GET(self):

""" Show page """
res ='student',where="name='mina'")


return tmpl.index( self.form)

app = web.application(urls,globals())

db = web.database(dbn='mysql', db='std', user='root', pw='123456')

if name == "main":

and this is .html file.

I want to see data of 'Bob' in textbox of form.

asked 20 secs ago

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