jeudi 30 octobre 2014

How to compare Laravel's hash password using a custom login form?

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Can you help me with this? I am building my own login form using Laravel. But I have a problem because I stored my password using Hash method and in my login form I used hash method again to compare. But I found out that the hash value is always changing.

Here's my code in routes:

Route::post('/admin_handle_login', function()

$rules = array(
'admin_username' => 'required',
'admin_password' => 'required'

$validate_admin_login = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);

if($validate_admin_login->fails()) {

$messages = $validate_admin_login->messages();

Session::flash('warning_notification','Error: Incomplete details!');

return Redirect::to('/flaxadmin')

} else {

$d = array(
Input::get('admin_username'), Hash::make(Input::get('admin_password'))

$validate_admin = DB::table('administrators')
->where('username', Input::get('admin_username'))
->where('password', Hash::check('password', Input::get('admin_password')))



The result is

[0] => admin002
[1] => $2y$10$RTwKHN9W1/unu1ZhYlNjauApJjjoNTBnE6td/AZ5jWgZEdqVav0um

In my database the password of admin002 is


Is my code wrong? Or are there any proper way to do this? I am a begiiner in Laravel..

asked 35 secs ago

How to compare Laravel's hash password using a custom login form?

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