vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Properly trigger a click event on an AngularJS directive in Mocha test suite

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I have a regular angular app with a directive. This directive contains an element with a ng-click="clickFunction()" call. All works well when I click that element. I now need to write a test for this click, making sure that this function was actually run when the element was clicked - this is what I'm having trouble with.

Here's a jsfiddle to illustrate my issue:

The controller contains a function clickFunction() which should be called on click. The unit test should imitate a click on the directive's element and thus trigger the call to that function.

The clickFunction is mocked with sinonjs so that I can check whether it was called or not. That test fails, meaning there was no click.

What am I doing wrong here?

I've seen the answer to similar questions like Testing JavaScript Click Event with Sinon but I do not want to user full jQuery, and I believe I'm mocking (spying on) the correct function.

asked 1 min ago



Properly trigger a click event on an AngularJS directive in Mocha test suite

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