vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Overhead of using PowerShell instead of C# for quering WMI from inside my app

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I need to obtain some information about virtual systems on the hosts and also manage these virtual system. My application is currently doing it querying WMI, but I would like to turn to PowerShell scripts from now on. Personally I feel better using PowerShell for building WMI queries. I like its readablilty and the fact that the code is isolated into the script body. But I'm afraid that using it instead of directly querying WMI from my app will cause overhead.

From the point of performance is it worth it to struggle with writing WMI queries in C# if I feel more comfortable writing them in PowerShell script?

What are the other pros and cons in both approaches? Does PowerShell provide any optimization of querying WMI that quering directly from C# code doesn't?

asked 39 secs ago

Overhead of using PowerShell instead of C# for quering WMI from inside my app

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