jeudi 30 octobre 2014

How to print only one div content from html page using print button

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I have 2 div tags in my html code.and I have 1 print button on the top of the page.when I click on the print button , it is giving me everything in the print what I have on html page(means content from both the divs). I want to restrict this print button's functionality till 1st div only and I will add another print button before next div to print that div content independently. Is there any way I can do this?

<input type="button" value="Print" class="noprint" onclick="window.print();return false;">
//my content.Want to print only this div when I will click print button.
//I will add another print button here which will allow me to print the next div.
//my content

asked 54 secs ago

How to print only one div content from html page using print button

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