dimanche 15 mars 2015

Swift function returning an enum

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I'm trying to learn Swift and I'm stuck to a very simple thing. How to write a function that returns an enum. The following code doesn't compile:

import Foundation

enum ​MyResponse​ {
case Even (String, String)
case Odd (String)

func checkNumber(number : Int) -> My​Response // <---- Error message
if (number % 2 == 0) {
return MyResponse.Even(String(number), " is even")

return MyResponse.Odd("odd")

let v1 = checkNumber(1)

switch v1 {
case .Even(arg1, arg2):
println("\(arg1) --> \(arg2)")
case .Odd(arg):

I get the error message "Use of undeclared type".

What am I doing wrong? What is the correct way to return enum value from a function.

asked 45 secs ago

Swift function returning an enum

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