dimanche 31 août 2014

form validation in PHP using preg_match

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Hi I am trying to validate a simple HTML form. Here is my HTML code-

<form method="get" action="password.php">
User ID<input type="text" name="user" id="user" required/><br/>
Password<input type="password" name="pass" id="pass" required/><br/>
<input type="submit" value"Login Here">

The password must contain only digits. My password.php is-


$strlen1= strlen($name);
$strlen2= strlen($pass);

$regex= "/^[789][0-9]{9}$/"; // my password should contain digits only.

if($strlen1==0 | $strlen2==0)
echo 'Username or password field is empty'.'<br/>';

else if($name==$pass)
echo 'Go for a better password'.'<br/>';

else if(!preg_match($regex,$pass))
echo 'password is invalid'.'<br/>';

echo 'You have successfully logged in'.'<br/>';


On running the script even when I enter the valid password like-"123456" the message says- "password is invalid". Please let me know the mistake in above code. Thanks!!!

asked 1 min ago

form validation in PHP using preg_match

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