samedi 30 août 2014

Using SQL to get data between CSV Seperated Data

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I have the following Table with is the backbone of my application. It's structured as:


ID | PayDate | PayMonth | WeeksIncluded | PayYear

2 2014-01-30 - January - 40,39,38,37 - 2014

3 2014-02-27 - February- 45,44,43,42,41 - 2014

4 2014-03-28 - March - 49,48,47,46 2014

6 2014-04-29 - April - 01,52,51,50 2014

7 2014-05-29 - May 02,03,04,05,06 - 2014

And so-on throughout the year

Then the user input data which is stored as:


ShiftDate | WeekNumber | Hours | PayType | Rate

2014-08-31 - 35 - 4 - 1 - XX.XX

Dependand on the week of the saved data. WeekNumber corrisponds to which week out of the year the ShiftDate is in.

So for example. September includes Weeks: 20,21,22,23

How would I go about getting all saved data from dbo.shifts using the WeekNumber to group data between the commar seperated values in dbo.paystructures?

asked 33 secs ago

Using SQL to get data between CSV Seperated Data

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