mardi 29 avril 2014

jQuery .append() textarea to div has .val() undefined

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What's wrong with this?

<button id='myButton'>Click me</button>

<div id='RS_msgBox'></div>

<hr />

<!-- This is the control. The structure is exactly the same as when after
the JS gets done .appending to #RS_msgBox -->

<div id='RS_msgBox2'>
<div id='RS_msgs2'>
<textarea id='RS_text2' cols=50 rows=5>
I was here before any JS affected me.

jQuery('#myButton').click(function () {

var msgDiv = jQuery("#RS_text"),
msgDiv2 = jQuery("#RS_text2"),
logOne = '\nI am the first log entry. ',
logTwo = "\nHey, where is the first entry? ";

jQuery("#RS_msgBox").append("<div id='RS_msgs'><textarea id='RS_text' cols=50 rows=5>I was via JS append().</textarea></div>");

// Experiment
msgDiv.val(msgDiv.val()+logOne); // Doesn't work because msgDiv.val() is undefined at this point. But why?? I 'defined' it when I .append()ed it, didn't I?

// Control

// Appending further text still fails whether we call another function or not.

function anotherFunc(newText) {
var msgDiv = jQuery("textarea#RS_text"),
msgDiv2 = jQuery("textarea#RS_text2");


tl;dr: Why can't I .append() a <textarea> to a <div> and set a .val(logOne) to it immediately? More importantly, how to fix/work around?


I've found answers on SO that almost answer my question, but none really explain WHY the recently created <textarea> doesn't get appended, or HOW to work around it.

In other words, I'm certain that this is a duplicate question by now, but I haven't found the one that answers my two questions (why? & how?).

I'm guessing that the browser needs a little time to .append() the <textarea> to the DOM, and the code works asynchronously. In other words, the code just "skips" setting the .val(logOne) because #RS_text isn't ready yet (no errors thrown, caught or handled), and it just continues on it's merry way to setting .val(logTwo) to #RS_text2.

Does anyone know if that sounds anywhere near correct?

Ultimately, I suppose what's more important is how to fix/work around this. The goal is to have a text area created for the sole purpose of receiving notes/log entries from the remainder of the javascript (via node and And this code DOES work on the second time around, when the <textarea> has been created and a new log entry is sent to it.

asked 1 min ago

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