mercredi 30 avril 2014

Why is `int` datatype not mandatory to be mentioned for function arguments in the function definition?

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Recently I went through some code similar to this: (The code is proprietary, and hence adding a similar one)


void test_it(var)

int main()
return 0;

The arguments of test_it do not have datatype mentioned.

I compiled it as gcc test_it.c ... : Surprisingly No Warnings/Error

Again I compiled using: gcc -Wall test_it.c ... : No Warnings/Error yet again

(Getting more aggressive now...)

I compiled it again using: gcc -Wall -Wextra test_it.c ... :

warning: type of ‘var’ defaults to ‘int’ finally I got the warning.

I tried using multiple arguments as:

void test_it(var1, var2)
printf("%d\n%d\n",var1, var2);

int main()
return 0;

Same beahavior!!

Also I tried this:

void test_it(var)

main() // Notice that no `int` there
return 0;

This code gave warning with -Wall option only.

So my question is why the int datatype is not mandatory for function arguments in function definition?

asked 44 secs ago

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