lundi 29 septembre 2014

ActionDrawer/Actionbar weirdness with Spinner

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I had a Spinner in an actiondrawer, sort of how google play does it, but for some reason when I go to a fragment that is a nested fragment (this is a SlidingTabs Fragment that displays other fragments) the app would not send me the spinner change events after about the 3rd time the Spinner changed.

So since I am short on time I moved the spinner from the ActionDrawer to the ActionBar, and that is even worse as it will never send the event if I am on a page with nested fragments. Spinner in ActionDrawer

Both of these solutions work fine when a nonNested fragment is displayed? What could I be missing? This app is using the latest ActionBar/ActionDrawer support from Google. Also, the listener for this Spinner is in the Activity and is established before the nested fragments are displayed.

asked 2 mins ago



ActionDrawer/Actionbar weirdness with Spinner

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