mardi 30 septembre 2014

IncompatibleClassChangeError:org.springframework.core.type.classreading.ClassMetadataReadingVisitor has interface *.asm.ClassVisitor as super class

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I am using Spring 4.1 and writing maven modules from scratch. I have 2 service modules A and B and a webapp which makes calls to service A whose implementation is there in module B. Following is the list of Spring jars in my parent pom.


I got few more issues before encountering this which i resolved. So one of the posts asked to put the below dependencies as well (I dont understand why i have to provide it if spring needed them why its not packaged with it).


I got the mentioned issue and one of the posts suggests to exclude the spring-asm which is old and include latest asm-all dependency.


I removed spring-asm dependency add the above. Now i run into the issue where the classes are not compatible. Kindly suggest how can i resolve it.

Thanks in advance

asked 36 secs ago

IncompatibleClassChangeError:org.springframework.core.type.classreading.ClassMetadataReadingVisitor has interface *.asm.ClassVisitor as super class

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