lundi 29 septembre 2014

How to launch multiple kernel in OpenCL, inside the program?

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I m trying to see the performance of the Opencl Programming model on GPUs, now while testing the Programming model, i have to launch the kernel by using clEnqueueNDkernel(), i m trying to call this function multiple of times, so that i can see how it performs when two or four concurrent kernels are launched.

i observe that the program is taking the same amount of time as launching one kernel, now i m assuming that it is just running the kernel once, cause there is no way it takes the same amount of time to run two or four concurrent kernels.

now i want to know how to i launch multiple kernels on one GPU,

eg : i want to launch something like : clEnqueueNDkernel() clEnqueueNDkernel()

if anyone can help it would be great, or if there is a link that anyone can share, would be really helpful

thanks in advance.

asked 1 min ago

How to launch multiple kernel in OpenCL, inside the program?

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