mardi 30 septembre 2014

How to import csv which have lines that are ends with separate character?

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Above is an example of csv data.

I'm trying to import a csv into database table. But every line of the csv ends with separate character '|'.

I think that is why keep failing to import data.

I chose options like this :

partial import : uncheck;
format of imported file : csv
option - fields terminated by : |
option - fields enclosed by by :
option - field escaped by : \
option - lines terminated by : auto
option - column names :

How can I import these csv files into db?

Can not delete the '|' at the end of the line.

Because there are more than 400,000 lines in csv file.

And I don't know regular expression and some of lines are ends with '|||' like this;;


asked 35 secs ago

How to import csv which have lines that are ends with separate character?

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