lundi 13 février 2017

How do I make the matlab-uitable CellSelectionCallback respond to multiple consecutive clicks in the same cell?

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The CellSelectionCallback only seems to register clicks in new cells. For example, the following only displays 'src' and 'event' during the first click to any particular cell:

close all;
f = figure('Position',[50,62,1340,326],'Units','pixels'); % set figures so they're stacked
f.Name = 'Debugging table';
t = uitable(f,'Units','normalized','Position',[.05,.05,.9,.9]);
t.CellSelectionCallback = @cellSelected;
t.ColumnName = {};
t.RowName = {};
t.Data = magic(10);
t.FontSize = 10;
t.FontName = 'AppleGothic';
function [src,event] = cellSelected(src,event)

Can anyone provide a method that branches off of something like this that would allow the code inside 'cellSelected' to run on more than one consecutive click to a single cell in the active uitable? Thanks in advance.

asked 1 min ago

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How do I make the matlab-uitable CellSelectionCallback respond to multiple consecutive clicks in the same cell?

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