jeudi 26 juin 2014

Returning lines containing two or more keywords

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Being a beginner at both programming and Python, I am nearly going crazy over this. I have been trying to read up, and have been googling like mad, but still it seems as if I am doing some basic and crucial mistake here.

I simply want to iterate through a number of lines (containing text) and return only those lines that contain two or more of the words in a list of keywords.

I have been trying with making the wordlist and keywordlist into sets to use the intersect function, like:

if len(set(line).intersection(set(keywords))) >1:
print line

Also tried with various types of nested loops like

if word in line

But no success yet. Sorry for taking up your time with this. But I have made several honest attempts at this, so I am reaching out.

asked 1 min ago

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