vendredi 30 janvier 2015

How to prefill form using database?

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Hi I have a piece of code that works to populate a forms dropdown selections a specific columns data from my database...all based on a user email address all when you click a button. Now Im trying to figure out how to use this code for another button when clicked only instead of for a drop down menu selections...i need it to populate a text input, set a radio button option and select a dropdown menu selection.

Form my code... this piece:

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
echo '<option value =" ' . $row['selections'] . ' ">' . $row['selections'] . '</option>';

...populates the dropdown menu im talking about with selections using info from my database.

I tried rebuilding this code (below) and using it to populate a text input, set a radio button option and select a dropdown menu selection but it dosnt work. Works fine on populating the dropdown menu with data from my database as selections but not to populate or set a radio button option or to select a dropdown menu selection.

Heres the code I'm using to try to populate my text input field , select a dropdown menu selection and set a radio button option...


<form action="/">

<input id="invoiceidcopy" name="invoiceidcopy" type="text" value="sd156s1df5sd1"/>

<button id="submit-id">Prefill Form</button>

<input id="mile" name="mile" required="" type="text">

<input type="radio" id="q1" name="q1" value="x" />
<input type="radio" id="q1" name="q1" value="xx" />

<select id="extrafield5" name="extrafield5">
<option selected="selected" value="">Please select...</option>
<option value="PURCHASE">Order for Purchase</option>
<option value="REVIEW">Order for Review</option>

<button id="submit" type="submit" name="Submit">Submit</button>




$('#submit-id').on('click', function(e){ // Things to do when 'Submit Id' button is clicked
var invoiceidcopy = $('#invoiceidcopy').val(); // Grab invoiceidcopy from text field
e.preventDefault(); // Prevent form from submit, we are submiting form down with ajax.

url: "/tst/orders2.php",
data: {
invoiceidcopy: invoiceidcopy
}).done(function(data) {

$('#mile').append(data); // append results from orders2.php to select
$('#q1').append(data); // append results from orders2.php to select
$('#extrafeild5').append(data); // append results from orders2.php to select



// Create the connection to the database

// Check if the connection failed
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

if (isset($_GET['invoiceidcopy']))
$invoiceidcopy= $_GET['invoiceidcopy'];

$query = "SELECT mile
FROM seguin_orders
WHERE invoiceidcopy = '".($invoiceidcopy)."'";

$result = mysqli_query($con,$query);

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
echo '<option value =" ' . $row['mile'] . ' ">' . $row['mile']
. '</option>';
echo '<option value =" ' . $row['q1'] . ' ">' . $row['q1']
. '</option>';
echo '<option value =" ' . $row['extrafield5'] . ' ">' . $row['extrafield5']
. '</option>';

I know there several factors and variables im missing here...please excuse my ignorance...I've been trying to figure this out for a few weeks and I cant understand how to get this to programming skills are not allowing me to make any progress...any help would be greatly appreciated...thanks in advance.

asked 1 min ago

How to prefill form using database?

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