vendredi 30 janvier 2015

TypeError: Cannot read property 'insertBefore' of null

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I have a array like this

var users = [{'id': 1, 'name': 'user name', 'age': 25, ...}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'user name', 'age': 25, ...} ...]

I use ng-repeat to display it as a list. like so.

<li ng-repeat="user in users">{{}}<a href="#" ng-click="UserCTRL.remove_user(">remove user</a></li>

And I made the li sortable using jquery sortable. The sortable works and remove_user works. But when I move the last li to any position above it works until i try to remove user then I get the error.

I appreciate any help. what does the error mean?

asked 3 mins ago

TypeError: Cannot read property 'insertBefore' of null

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