samedi 31 janvier 2015

Read hidden field values from another page

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I am developing a website using

In my home page I have 14 tree view controls. They were placed under Jquery tabs. So when a user click a tab it only appears one treeview. So in tree node changed event currently what I am doing is passing the values from query string to another page. this query string doesnt have any sensitive data. I have to pass what is the selected Tab Id and selected tree node Id.

Response.Redirect(String.Format("~/Display.aspx?tab=1&type={0}",treeview1.SelectedValue), true);

But you know URL is ugly. I dont want to use Friendly URL thing now. So what I did was I put 2 hidden fields values in my home page and I set them when I click the tree node.

So then from the source page I used this code to acess this.

string tab= Page.PreviousPage.FindControl("hftab").UniqueID;
string Type= Page.PreviousPage.FindControl("hfType").UniqueID;

But Page.PreviousPage always return NULL. So how to solve this probelem without using sessions and query string. I just want to pass two non sensitive data behind the scenes.

asked 1 min ago



Read hidden field values from another page

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