mardi 30 décembre 2014

Integrating GPS on an open source map and Path Planning [on hold]

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Good day! I have a huge project I'm working on with a tight budget and a very tight schedule.

I'm trying to create a navigation system for an autonomous vehicle. The first thing I'm trying to set-up is the GPS device and a map. (Q1) Where should I buy (or how would I make) a GPS device that can be integrated with the OpenStreet Map that can detect my location?

Second, I'm also building a module for the path planning, which takes two inputs, one: the current location from the GPS and two: a final location (coordinates from a map), and outputs a smooth path and show it on a map. (Q2) What is the best path planning algorithm to implement?

Notes: a) I'm only implementing the navigation system on a small road map.

Thank you very much for any kind of help!

asked 2 mins ago

Integrating GPS on an open source map and Path Planning [on hold]

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