mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Unity MonoDevelop: Auto-complete's completely gone

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I've run into the same problem as this guy on the Unity forums, which already has its own copy of the answer on StackOverflow.

Except, these answers are out-of-date. (I don't the reputation for a bounty either; 119 out of 125, at the time of posting.)

So, running on the newer MonoDevelop 4.0.1 (compared to 2.4.2), I've tried the solution that was given;

Close MonoDevelop and delete the %AppData%\MonoDevelop-Unity\CodeCompletionData. After, reopen and MonoDevelop will regenerate all the configuration files and everything should be working fine again.

Except, the problem has gone from bad to worse:

MonoDevelop now does not list anything for auto-completion, from previously, only listing key methods/functions/whatevers (ie. void, public, If and not rigidBody, fMath etc.)

asked 48 secs ago

Unity MonoDevelop: Auto-complete's completely gone

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